Quem somos

investment professionals
operating employees
countries across five continents
investments globally

Com mais de US$ 925 bilhões em ativos sob gestão e um patrimônio de mais de 100 anos como proprietários e operadores, investimos na espinha dorsal da economia global e estamos comprometidos em apoiar e desenvolver as comunidades onde atuamos.

Alocamos nosso próprio capital ao lado do capital de nossos parceiros em praticamente todas as transações, alinhando interesses e trazendo os pontos fortes de nossa experiência operacional, alcance global e capital em larga escala para sustentar tudo o que fazemos.

Leveraging the Brookfield Ecosystem

One of the keys to our success is the Brookfield Ecosystem. Our network of more than 2,400 investment professionals and 240,000 operating employees in our businesses around the world provide us valuable information and insights into where the world is going and how it’s changing. This helps inform our investment decisions and add value to the businesses we own. 

Gathering Operational Intelligence

Our operations in strategic locations around the world provide us with data and insights into trends and changes in the market.

Turning Insights into Action

We leverage this intelligence to source, execute, manage and realize investments for the benefit of our clients and partners.

Connecting with Confidence

The Brookfield Ecosystem drives competitive advantages in sourcing, executing, managing, and realizing investments.



Our disciplined investment approach creates value and delivers strong risk-adjusted returns for our investors across market cycles.

Brookfield: A Century in the Making

Our firm's heritage not only informs who we are today, but also guides us into the future.